DAH Theatre is an independent, professional theatre company founded in 1991 in Belgrade, Serbia. It is a contemporary artistic collective that examines social issues built on the principle of social action and excellence in arts production and projects. The important objective is bringing the young closer to modern theatre expression and arts related to theatre. Besides their own research, the DAH Theatre is directed towards permanent exchange of knowledge, experience and opinions among artists and theatre professionals of different national and theatre traditions. With more than 45 theatre productions, 15 European projects, 20 international collaboration and 15 organized festivals, DAH Theatre is one of the most enduring and successful theatre companies in the region. DAH Theatre is a member of many national and international networks and collaborating with the most prestigious universities from all over the world. In 2016 the first book about DAH Theatre was published “DAH Theatre, A Sourcebook” – published by Lexington Books. The DAH Theatre is included in the book The Twenty-First Century Performance Reader, published by Routledge, 2019.
The themes through which DAH Theatre expresses its poetics are always connected to the position of an individual in society and history.
The goal is to link the arts to civil society, active citizenship and politics, celebrating and promoting dignity and respect for all people equally through a series of activities such as Performances/Productions, Work Demonstrations, Workshops, Lectures, Programs for Youth, Festival and Meetings (Annual International Festival “Arts and Human Rights” founded in 2020, Networks, educational programme (Inside of Laboratory, International School for Actors and Directors, Artist in Residence) and Tours – local and international. The mission is to create profound and courageous theatre art through dedicated team work, provoking, inspiring and encouraging personal and social transformation. DAH Theatre is a team of 7 dedicated women as core members with more than 52 collaborators (artists, technicians, designers, musicians, scholars, etc).